Bells in Sprague
Many have wondered about the bells in Sprague, and a few neighbors have helped us to modify the schedule to make it more amenable to the residents of the city.
Here is some information:
Bells have been calling monks to prayer for many centuries and have marked the most holy times of each day. In the Psalms, King David says "Seven times a day I have given praise to thee!" and the Christian monks from the earliest centuries have kept these seven "hours" for the worship of God. The sound of the bell calls the monk from his occupation and informs him that the time has come to go to the Church to pray.
The Bell is also used to announce special prayers or events. Three times each day - morning, midday, and evening - the bell rings in a special pattern: Ding, Ding, Ding, pause... Ding, Ding, Ding, pause... Ding, Ding, Ding, pause... and this is concluded with a full swing. This pattern marks the "Angelus," a prayer which commemorates the moment Our Lord Jesus Christ became man.
When you hear the bells in Sprague, know that the monks are headed to the Church to pray for you and for the world. If you would like us to pray for anything specific, please feel free to let us know.
Below is the bell schedule, both the "ideal" for the monks, but also the "more realistic" for the residents of Sprague.
Ideally for the monastery, the bell would ring at the following times:
3:45 am – Rise – Full swing, one minute
“Night” Prayer, Mattins:
3:55 am – 10-minute warning – Full swing, one minute
4:00 am – 5 minute warning – 100 taps (which takes about 2min 30 sec)
First Hour, Lauds:
No bell in the Summer
Morning Angelus: After Lauds – around 5:30 am
Second Hour, Prime:
6:35 am – 5 minute warning – Full swing, one minute
6:40 am – 100 taps (which takes about 2min 30 sec)
Third Hour, Terce:
9:55 am – 5 minute warning – Full swing, one minute
10:00 am – 100 taps (which takes about 2min 30 sec)
Fourth Hour, Sext:
12:55 pm – 5 minute warning – Full swing, one minute
1:00 pm – 100 taps (which takes about 2min 30 sec)
Midday Angelus: After Sext – around 1:15 pm
Fifth Hour, None:
3:30 pm - 100 taps (which takes about 2min 30 sec)
(For fast days, the bell is sounded a half an hour earlier)
Sixth Hour, Vespers:
6:25 pm – 5 minute warning – Full swing, one minute
6:30 pm – 100 taps (which takes about 2min 30 sec)
Seventh Hour, Compline:
8: 25 pm – 5 minute warning – Full swing, one minute
8:30 pm – 100 taps (which takes about 2min 30 sec)
Evening Angelus: After Compline – around 9:00 pm
For Sprague, we thought that the following might work (we basically got rid of all the early morning bells and then reduced all the others). Let us know what you think.
Rise, Night prayer, First hour: No Bell
Morning Angelus: After Lauds – We will use a small inside bell
Second Hour, Prime:
6:40 am – Tap for about 30 seconds.
Third Hour, Terce:
9:55 am – 5 minute warning – Full swing, 30 seconds
10:00 am – Tap for about 30 seconds.
Fourth Hour, Sext:
12:55 pm – 5 minute warning – Full swing, 30 seconds
1:00 pm – Tap for about 30 seconds.
Midday Angelus: After Sext – around 1:15 pm
Fifth Hour, None:
3:30 pm – Full swing, 30 seconds
(For fast days, the bell is sounded a half an hour earlier)
Sixth Hour, Vespers:
6:25 pm – 5 minute warning – Full swing, 30 seconds
6:30 pm – Tap for about 30 seconds.
Seventh Hour, Compline:
8: 25 pm – 5 minute warning – Full swing, 30 seconds
8:30 pm – Tap for about 30 seconds.
Evening Angelus: After Compline – We will use the small inside bell.